Money and luck. . . How often do we miss both. . . How do we make our life the most prosperous, not to live on paycheck after paycheck like many do, but to afford whatever only your heart desires? Unfortunately, in our country it is not so easy to find a good job with a decent salary. What can we do so that luck turns to us and the money itself falls into our pockets? Many simply give up and live without thinking about how to increase their income and attract good luck to their side. And there are those who will try everything to get what they want. An amulet for attracting money will help to interest luck and make it work for itself. It is enough to know what talismans to buy, where and how to wear them correctly, as well as how to make an amulet for money with your own hands.
Varieties of silver talismans
<1_img_centerxx>What is a talisman to attract money? Since ancient times, magic has attracted people with its secrets and excellent results in achieving a particular goal. Money and luck can also be attracted to magic. Amulets for wealth, of which there are a large number, perfectly help in this. Currently, you can buy them at any magic store, or you can craft them yourself. A lovingly crafted wealth talisman will work much more effectively than a store-bought talisman.
Plants, ancient coins, horseshoes, various figures, precious stones, plots written on paper are used as amulets to attract money and luck.
Today feng shui amulets for money are very popular. These talismans include:
- three pieces tied with a red ribbon;
- figurines - pot-bellied Hotei with a bag of wisdom and wealth, a toad with a coin in his mouth;
- decorative waterfalls and fountains;
- aquariums with fish;
- a tree with coins instead of leaves.
It doesn't matter what the talisman will be; the main thing is that the soul rests with it. It also needs to be properly charged with its energy for it to function and be useful. It is worth treating such a thing very carefully - not to tell anyone about it, not to show it; and more, do not allow others to touch the cherished amulet, otherwise luck will turn away from its owner. And yet, faith in what you are doing is very important. Without faith, no talisman will help us, and in order for the cherished thing to bring profit, do not forget about gratitude.
Money tree

One of the most common symbols of wealth is the money tree. He is also called Crassula or fat woman. It is believed that if this plant is in an apartment or a house, then its owners will always be accompanied by good luck and prosperity.
In order for the plant to work and attract money into the house, it is necessary to plant it correctly and program it to be successful with the necessary plot. For the tree to bring good luck, the shot must be taken in a place where there is prosperity and prosperity, such as among friends who have no need for anything.
Three coins of the same denomination are placed at the bottom of a new beautiful pot, covered with soil, and a sprout is planted on the growing moon, reading the following plot:
"My copper money, my gold money, all my money, go into my hands, into my wallets, go Monday, go Tuesday, go Wednesday, go Thursday, go Friday and Saturday, go Sunday. Let every penny and ruble know me, not in someone else's hands, but in my wallets. Key, lock, tab. Amen! "
In order for the tree to grow better and be beneficial, it is necessary to carefully care for it and periodically praise it. So there will be no price for such a talisman.
Non-modifiable part
How to make a talisman that brings prosperity? For such an amulet it is necessary to use a large banknote so that it attracts only a lot of money, and not a trifle. In this case, only an invoice presented as a gift, won in the lottery or received during the first salary is suitable. It is placed separately in any compartment of a new red wallet, after a special ritual has been performed on the money. This is done in the morning, at dawn.
To achieve it, you need to prepare:
- new mirror;
- green candle;
- a glass of holy water.
They put a mirror on the table, stick a note on it and pour water on it. A candle is lit next to the mirror. Looking at the money, they read the plot three times:
"In the morning arise, and call the goldsmith, and the goldsmiths, and all the henchmen of the merchants, all the affairs of the nobility, and the born bastards, who mourn, they drive out the one who honors, irrigate those of'gold . So my respect and my desire for water is a mirror, but how everything splits in two in a mirror, but my money multiplies, and gold with a pretext, and that with a pretext, then a pledge in mywallet, and a silver mends so gold-silver rings and rings in my wallets while a colleague sings. Even the one who comes, and the second one is going to clean, and if he does, then he will approve me for money, make me rich, screw me up and in every possible way will magnify me on initiative. So my money, bearable, grows, you, with endless fields, haste and black and fertile earth, but scatter rivers, water, inhabited, and all in the surface of the mirror to measure, and to indulge in the'gold and silver to multiply everything in two, I also in gold and silver, yes in tsarist gold, seigniorial, merchants to walk, but to be rich. No one will cut, interrupt, cut with one eye, close with a word. Amen! "
They drink half a glass of water and wash with the other half. The ceremony takes place seven days in a row on the waxing moon. Then, the day after the last hour of the ritual, they carry the ransom to the crossroads of the pedestrian paths, and carry the note in the wallet without touching or exchanging it.
Do-it-yourself Horde Amulet

To improve your financial well-being and increase your income, craft a Horde amulet for money that will help everyone, regardless of gender and age. To make the talisman work, they wear it in a wallet or secret pocket, without showing it to anyone.
To do such a thing, you need to prepare:
- a room found in the street. Under no circumstances should you pick up parts at intersections;
- thin rope;
- 3 church candles.
The rite of passage for the consecration of an amulet for wealth takes place on Wednesday evening, on the waxing moon.
The sequence of execution of the rite:
- they put three candles in the shape of a triangle on the table and light them with a match, and they themselves sit on a chair in front of the candles;
- the coin is clutched in the palm of your hand and a magical plot is read on it:
"I'll take some money in my hand. Like her, alone, with me, (name), now, so with me, alone, prosperity will be invincible. My play will appeal to others, wealth will attract, bring. Now I live in wealth and prosperity. Amen! "When you cast a spell, you have to visualize how the money is poured into your wallet and your pockets. How you touch them, hold them in your hands, count them, spend on pleasant purchases.
- the charmed coin is tied cross to cross with a string, saying: "I tie the coin, I attract the money";
- the ends of the string should never be cut. They are burnt in the fire of candles;
- the made talisman is placed in the center of a triangle of candles and goes to bed;
- in the morning, the finished amulet is placed separately in a wallet and taken with you.
Amulet cord

Talismans for attracting money are full of their diversity. The simplest of these is the handmade amulet bead for attracting wealth.
To make such a silver talisman is very simple. You need to buy yarns of different colors in the store. Colors such as:
- yellow, attracting happiness and success;
- red, which increases the power of desires;
- blue, fulfilling these desires;
- green, attracting wealth and luxury.
All the threads are mixed and a pigtail is woven from them. In addition, a dear desire for well-being is whispered to this mat. The lace thus conspired is put on the left leg and worn without removing it until the wish comes true. Then it is removed and burnt, saying words of gratitude to the world and the universe for the fulfillment of the desire.
Ritual of wealth

This ritual is quite old and proven. He has helped many people, even if not to achieve enormous wealth, but to achieve prosperity. Its essence is very simple:
- start the ceremony on the first day of each month. To do this, they thus put one coin per day in a new beautiful box - on the first day they put one ruble in the box, the second - two rubles, the third - three. You cannot miss a single day, and you cannot declare coins on another day. If you forgot to put the money on one of the days, then the ritual will have to be repeated next month;
- make sure you put some money in the box at the same time. As a result, you have to imagine how money fills this box to the top;
- on the last day of the month, the coins are taken out of the box, exchanged for a note, and carried in the wallet like a talisman.
Do-it-yourself amulet for money

In order for the money to always be in the house, it is necessary to make a talisman for the money. To do this, take:
- metal cup;
- a handful of coins in the wallets of everyone living in the house;
- church candle;
- Holy water.
Water is poured into a bowl, a candle is lit next to it, and while "Our Father" is being read, coins are alternately dipped into the water. Taking every penny in hand, they imagine that it is not a small change, but a large sum of money. When the cup is completely filled with coins, you need to say the words:
"As this cup is full, my house will be full of abundance and joy. Amen! "
This silver bowl will symbolize the family budget.
All these amulets for attracting money will serve you faithfully, if all the recommendations for their manufacture are followed correctly. They will bring financial well-being and good luck to your homes and wallets.